What should you do if you are denied unemployment in TX? As an employee, you can apply for unemployment compensation benefits, which are intended to sustain those who lost their job through no fault of their own. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) will evaluate your unemployment benefits based on past wages, ongoing eligibility requirements, and job separation(s). If your claim goes through, you will receive Read More
Can an Employer Adjust Your Hours to Avoid Overtime?
Time and again, employees find themselves in the awkward situation of an employer’s needing them to work longer but not wanting to pay the overtime cost for the additional hours. If you're a worker who has put in extra hours, you may want to know, can an employer adjust your hours to avoid paying overtime? The overtime mismanagement situation is common and problematic, especially given that the employee is often Read More
Understanding Non-Solicitation Agreements
As an employee, you may be asked to sign a non-solicitation agreement at any point. Even if you aren’t presented with one during onboarding, your employer may ask you to sign during your employment or as you leave. What Is a Non-Solicitation Agreement? To be clear, a non-solicitation agreement is not the same as a non-compete. Usually, non-solicitation protects your employer if you ultimately work for a Read More
Do I Have to Sign a Non-Compete Agreement?
It may be overwhelming the first time you are offered a position or job that comes with a non-compete agreement. And when it is put before you, you may wonder, do I have to sign a non-compete agreement? If you don’t understand what they can and cannot do, you may be extremely hesitant to sign one. That is simply because you are caught in the difficult position of being unaware of their impact and you may feel Read More
What to Do About Workplace Retaliation
If you’ve faced a negative response by your employer to actions you take that you believe are not only valid, but also legal, you may wonder what to do about workplace retaliation. Retaliation covers any action taken by your employer in response to you exercising your rights. Before retaliation occurs, there will likely be an initial cause. Although your efforts could be legal and justifiable, they may go against Read More
Tip Credits and Tip Pooling in Texas
Here’s a topic that applies to everyone—even if they have never worked in the foodservice industry or intend to. You would have a difficult time finding a person who has never tipped someone before. And most people may be a little surprised to know that the money they tip their waiter may not go to him. At least, not all of it. Learn how tip credits and tip pooling work in Texas. Tip Credits Another Read More
What Does It Mean To Be A Whistleblower?
A whistleblower claim falls under employment law. When people believe they may need to be a whistleblower, they are ready to stand up and report that they have evidence of fraud, corruption, or other illegal acts. These are things that are usually being committed by an employer, their company, or someone they work with. Before you report the wrongdoing, you may worry about the repercussions and wonder, what does it Read More
Understanding Your Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed way back in 1938 to ensure that all U.S. workers are fairly compensated for their labor. You’ve probably seen information about the Fair Labor Standards Act posted in your workplace, but have you ever taken the time to actually read it? In today’s blog post, we’re breaking down the basics of your rights under this law. Minimum Wage The law states that you must be paid at Read More
Understanding Workplace Discrimination
Workplace discrimination is a major issue that unfortunately impacts employees of all kinds, across all fields, and for various reasons. It is important for workers to have a full understanding of what constitutes workplace discrimination so that they will know if it ever happens to them and can fight against it so that they can stand up for others who are being discriminated against, and so that they can avoid being Read More
Injured on the Job? Take These 4 Steps Immediately
You work in a shoe store in a trendy Houston neighborhood, and your first customer of the day has asked you if you have a particular sandal in her size. When you go to the stockroom to check, you slip in a puddle of mop water that your coworker forgot to clean up the night before. You fall heavily to the floor and sprain your ankle so badly it hurts to stand, let alone walk. Do you have a legal claim against your Read More