For many, becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest joys. Sadly, the process for some can be incredibly challenging. In today’s society, however, there are many paths to achieving that goal. Some couples simply conceive naturally, together, and are able to build their families. Others, due a broad range of circumstances, choose other methods, such as adopting children privately or from agencies and even Read More
Misconceptions About Common Law Marriages
There are a lot of questions, and there are equally as many misunderstandings about the nature of common-law marriages. The first being the length of time it takes to establish one. Other questions that stem from common-law marriages are whether they are different from a traditional marriage. This extends out to how they can be dissolved. For instance, does the divorce process for a standard marriage also apply to Read More
A Brief Guide to the Stepparent Adoption Process in Texas
Getting into a committed relationship with someone who has a child can inspire a mixture of different emotions. You never know what you are getting into or what you will get. Indeed, it takes a lot of heart to love a child who is not biologically yours like your own offspring, and vice versa. If everything goes well, however, the experience can be beautiful and you may want to officially adopt your stepchild and Read More
A Brief Overview of the Options Available to Same-Sex Couples in Texas
Until June 26th, 2015, same-sex marriage was not legally recognized in the United States. This meant that the LGBT community could not freely enjoy certain legal rights that were so readily available to their straight counterparts. This included, among others, access to vital estate planning tools for married couples. Things have changed since then, thanks to a historical decision by the Supreme Court to lift all Read More
Adopting a Child? Here are 4 Tips for a Smoother Process
Adopting a child is one of the most joy-filled experiences one can have. Whether you are adopting a new child you’ve never met, or you want to complete a step-parent adoption to help solidify your family, it is a beautiful moment that you will never forget. Unfortunately, however, adoptions are a surprisingly complicated legal process. Any mistakes can result in heartbreaking delays or other issues. The following Read More
Texas Establishment of Paternity
For obvious reasons, the identity of a child’s mother is quite obvious at the time of the child’s birth. Thus, mothers are automatically granted legal parental rights over their child, including all of the benefits and obligations inherent in those rights. However, establishing paternity and a father’s parental rights is not always such a clear-cut process. While no one would be able to argue the identity of the Read More
Avoid Falling Through the Long-Term Care Cracks
In the US, millions of people require long-term care assistance every year. Long-term care is a wide variety of services, both medical and personal in nature, that are provided in skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities to those who are unable to manage these needs independently. These facilities are usually incredibly expensive. According to a 2015 Genworth Financial Cost of Care Read More
7 Things to Think About Before Naming a Guardian for Your Children, Part II
In our last blog, we discussed the vital importance of naming a guardian who will care for your minor children should anything ever happen to you. It’s a topic that no one likes to think about, but every parent should. Accidents happen every day, and you must do your best to plan for the unexpected. You owe it to your children to ensure that they will be kept safe, be loved, and be provided for if you are ever Read More
7 Things to Think About Before Naming a Guardian for Your Children, Part I
It is a scenario that no parent wants to think about, but every parent should: who will raise your children if something were to happen to you? For parents with children under the age of 18, naming a guardian is one of the most important aspects of creating a will. The guardians you name will be responsible for raising and providing for your children, and it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. In this Read More
10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Child, Part II
In our last blog we detailed five important things you need to consider before you make the choice in adopting a child. The adoption process is difficult and intensive, and raising an adopted child comes with numerous challenges as well. But it can also be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do in your life. In Part II of our blog, we explain five more things every potential parent needs to think about Read More